Legal Director | Laboratórios Pfizer
Shirley Meschke
Legal Director | Laboratórios Pfizer
Shirley Meschke joined Pfizer, the world’s largest research-based pharmaceutical company, in 2006. Having led mergers, acquisitions, divestments, business transactions and corporate reorganisations that were crucial to the region, she was promoted to director of legal affairs for Brazil in 2013. Now Meschke is responsible for risk analysis, mitigation strategies and compliance integration that allow her business counterparts to further the company’s goals. It is reported that Pfizer is looking to exit the Brazilian generic drug market, and there are a number of possible acquirers or partners as possibilities. If this comes to fruition, Meschke’s advice will be critical for the successful and smooth transition. Before moving to Pfizer, Meschke was legal manager at Brazilian electronic company Itaúsa Group for five years, and gained private practice experience as a senior associate at Trench, Rossi and Watanabe. At the start of her career she had experience in the tax space at Unilever and Arthur Anderson. Meschke was described by one private practice partner as an ‘incredibly gifted lawyer, who has gained experience across a number of sectors’.