Executive legal manager | Fundação Petrobras de Seguridade Social (Petros)
Alexandre Barenco Ribeiro
Executive legal manager | Funda��ão Petrobras de Seguridade Social (Petros)
Alexandre Barenco Ribeiro currently serves as executive legal manager at Petros having had an extensive career in public and private institutions as a legal counsel and attorney. Prior to joining Petros, Ribeiro’s career included stints as a professor at the State School of Magistrates and being an owner and partner of Barenco & Gabrich Advogados, among other roles. Petros is the second largest pension provider in Latin America with a portfolio of pension companies providing 39 different complementary pension plans raising R$81bn in managed equity. Ribeiro organises a team that has worked on over 27 litigations in the last two years, and has improved the company’s record along with its performance.