Andre Maia – GC Powerlist
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Brazil 2023

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Andre Maia

General counsel for South America | Sibelco Brasil


Brazil 2023

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Andre Maia

General counsel for South America | Sibelco Brasil

What are the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?

My current company, like the previous one, is going through a period of growth and repositioning in the market. My role is to quickly adapt all the governance of legal routines as well as ensure the maintenance of correct procedures in the follow-up of legal proceedings, in addition to preventive action to curb compliance deviations. The role of the legal department is no longer a cost and must seek ways to generate revenue for the company.

How important is choosing to work with external lawyers who align with your company’s values? Are you likely to reconsider what firms you work with based on this?

External law firms must, like internal lawyers, know the company’s business intimately and, therefore, it is extremely important that they are aligned with the values ​​and objectives of the business. If I understand that the office is not aligned with the company’s interests, I would probably reconsider providing the service.

As we live in a fast-paced world today, what skills will a corporate legal team need to succeed in the modern in-house industry?

I think that the biggest challenge that current legal managers face, and I include myself in this group, is related to the transformation and repositioning of the legal department within organizations. The function of the legal manager has evolved in terms of quality and responsibility, and he must behave as a partner of senior management and, at the same time, as a guardian of the company, acting so that the company’s objectives are achieved within the law, with low risk and with integrity.

How do you suggest in-house lawyers build strong relationships with business partners?

We must evaluate the business not only from a purely legalistic perspective, but also from an economic one, seeking, above all, greater efficiency. The general counsel must try to get involved and understand what is necessary for the success of the business and how it can contribute in this sense. The figure of the corporate lawyer who was called only to “deal with emergencies”, no longer has a reason to exist.

Andre Maia - Brazil 2024

Legal director, South America | Sibelco Group

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Andre Maia

Legal director, South America

Sibelco Group

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