Thiago Alves Souza Xavier – GC Powerlist
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Brazil 2023


Thiago Alves Souza Xavier

Legal manager | Banco Santander Brasil


Brazil 2023

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Thiago Alves Souza Xavier

Legal manager | Banco Santander Brasil

What are the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?

The implementation of contracts’ digital signature, credit instruments and guarantee instruments, which allowed for the contracting of operations in a faster, less bureaucratic way, which was fundamental at the beginning of the pandemic, as it was very difficult to obtain physical signatures on our contracts.

Additionally, the implementation of emergency credit programs, instituted by the federal government, which aim to support micro and small and medium-sized companies, due to the economic impacts resulting from the pandemic, and have a guarantee provided by the federal government through the operations guarantee fund (OGF) and the investment guarantee fund (IGF). The work of our team consisted of supporting the government, through the ministry of economy, the Banco do Brasil and the National Bank for Economic and Social Development, in the establishment of laws and rules that instituted the OFG and the IGF and assisted in preparing opinions and the respective contractual instruments. We also supported the product areas in the construction of the contracting journey via internet banking, reviewed advertising materials, and advised the areas of back office and commercial.

Did the pandemic lead to a lasting increase in the interaction your legal team has with the strategic plans of the company?

Yes, there was a great increase in interaction with the strategic plans of our company, which had to create new rules and strategies in the face of an uncertain and challenging economic scenario, resulting in a significant increase in goals to be met by our team.

As we live in a fast-paced world today, what skills will a corporate legal team need to succeed in the modern in-house industry?

The difficulties caused by the pandemic accelerated in a few years the long-awaited digitisation, which would be difficult to implement if we did not have a very well-prepared team, updated with legislation and innovation and committed to matters of interest to our company. Given this, I understand that the necessary skills are namely, keeping up to date with new technology and legislation, working closely with your business partners, and being committed, responsible, proactive and flexible.

How do you suggest in-house lawyers build strong relationships with business partners?

Mainly in the area I work, which aims to support the structuring of businesses, it is essential that our team has a strong relationship with our business partners. In this sense, to build a strong relationship, I suggest providing advice with excellent technical quality and education, listening, being patient, empathetic, resilient and, as far as possible, creating friendly relationships, and always keeping in touch.

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