Marina Roversi Zago – GC Powerlist
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Brazil 2024

Food, beverages and tobacco

Marina Roversi Zago

Legal director | JTI Brasil


Brazil 2024

Recommended Individual

Marina Roversi Zago

Legal director | JTI Brasil

Team size: 15

What are the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?

JTI Brazil recently faced a significant challenge with the marketing authorisation for five SKUs in the Brazilian market. This situation posed a potential impact on our operations. Our legal team has been leading and actively engaged in the administrative sphere (ANVISA) to reverse this situation, fully prepared to litigate if necessary. We have also secured the continuance of selling these products while discussing the matter, showcasing our team’s resilience and strategic thinking.

What would you say are the unique qualities required to be successful as an in-house lawyer in your industry?

Success as an in-house lawyer in our industry requires resilience, not only given the legal uncertainty experienced by other sectors that operate in Brazil, but also due to the ideological and political challenges faced by the tobacco sector. Staying up to date with legislation is crucial, as our sector deserves the same legal protections as any other licit economic activity. Moreover, thinking outside the box for creative solutions is essential to navigate the complex regulatory landscape.

How have you fostered a closer collaboration between the legal department and your business counterparts?

Our legal team partners closely with all business departments, recognising the highly regulated nature of our industry. We are integral in clearing marketing materials due to legal restrictions; developing engagement strategies with the corporate affairs team and actively participating in Associations’ discussions on behalf of JTI’s interests; ensuring product marketing authorisation with the regulatory team; managing agreements and information of thousands of tobacco growers alongside with agronomy team for leaf operations; participating in decisions that may impact the operations or product registration with ANVISA; and supporting all projects that may have any impact on the operations. This collaborative approach ensures compliance and supports our business objectives.

Do you have a cause, business-related or otherwise, that you are passionate about?

As the legal director at JTI Brazil, my approach to fostering closer collaboration between the legal department and our business counterparts is deeply rooted in my passion for administrative law and a belief in the role of licit economic activities in promoting economic and social development. This has led to a strategic integration of legal insights with business strategies, ensuring regulatory compliance serves as an enabler of innovation.

Our establishment of cross-functional teams ensures that legal considerations are integrated from the planning stages of business initiatives, enhancing our proactive stance on compliance. This collaborative approach not only streamlines regulatory processes but also positions our company as a key contributor to societal progress, leveraging legal frameworks to support business growth and development.

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