Rafael Vietti – GC Powerlist
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Brazil 2024


Rafael Vietti

Head of legal | Itaú Unibanco


Brazil 2024


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Rafael Vietti

Head of legal | Itaú Unibanco

Team size: 50

What are the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?

Last year, we acted as the global coordinator in 20 equity issuances, being the lead coordinator in seven of them. These included 19 follow-ons and one IPO, with issuers such as Localiza, Smartfit, and Copel. Regarding debt issuances, during the same period, we were involved in 385 offerings and 122 Project finance transactions. In terms of M&A Advisory in 2023, we acted in 300 transactions and consistently led the charts both in the number of transactions and in amounts.

During the same period, we were responsible for approximately half of the block trades in the market. Additionally, we currently have over 600 active cases in our portfolio, either through restructuring or through the reorganisation of assets and debts under court supervision, involving amounts that altogether correspond to more than a billion dollars in exposure for the bank. Examples of such cases include companies like Americanas, Oi, Light, Usina Ester, Gocil, Brinox, Polishop, and Amazonas Energia. Finally, it is important to note that my team covers approximately 1.5 million client entities.

What would you say are the unique qualities required to be successful as an in-house lawyer in your industry?

An in-house lawyer, and indeed all lawyers, must constantly be open to learning; a know-it-all mentality will lead to failure. It is essential to be comfortable navigating uncertain times and situations, as there is no longer a set recipe or script. What sets a professional apart is the ability to reason and apply their knowledge to new situations, even those unheard of or without precedents. It is also crucial to have a strong problem-solving mindset. One cannot be paralysed in the face of a problem, hoping someone else will tackle it and save the day.

How have you fostered a closer collaboration between the legal department and your business counterparts?

The first thing is to be curious and genuinely go the extra mile to thoroughly understand the businesses and products for which you provide legal advice. Without that “thirst,” it is impossible to earn trust from your business counterparts. If an in-house lawyer does not understand the business side and its dynamics, all your legal knowledge will not suffice. Additionally, an in-house lawyer must be relentless and readily available. Time is of the essence in our industry. Lawyers must react quickly and pragmatically, as it is a fast-paced environment, and the legal department cannot afford to be the bottleneck.

Do you have a cause, business-related or otherwise, that you are passionate about?

I am passionate about what we do here at Itaú. We assist and finance clients that do wonderful things for our society. I believe work provides the perfect structure and balance in life, and in my opinion, it is the only meaningful way to change the world. Here at Itaú, I see the impact of many professionals changing their entire families’ and communities’ situations. Nothing inspires me more than when I see people passionate about (and grateful for) their jobs. For my part, my job is pretty much all-consuming (except for family time), so I try to impact as many professionals as possible with and through my work. I lead a team of approximately 50 lawyers, and I take this responsibility very seriously. I am constantly thinking about ways to improve my team’s already excellent work and their careers.

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