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Brazil 2024


Shirley Meschke

Legal director | Laboratórios Pfizer


Brazil 2024

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Shirley Meschke

Legal director | Laboratórios Pfizer

What are the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?

We participated in negotiations of tech transfer partnerships with Brazil public labs for the supply of relevant products to the Ministry of Health; change of business model of Pfizer Brazil; renegotiation of the COVID vaccine and treatment with MoH; innovative market access agreements in several markets involving outcome-based partnerships; and supported the International Pharmaceuticals Association on the WHO Pandemic Agreement negotiations.

The team also played a role in exploratory negotiations of payment solutions for the financing of gene therapy treatment; and in the expansion of a project involving health digital solutions to patient to significantly reduce the time for access to information, diagnose and treatment of a disease.

What would you say are the unique qualities required to be successful as an in-house lawyer in your industry?

You should have learning mode activated all the time. Be close to the business, be humble and have the courage to pursue and accept challenges. Constantly reflect on how to improve the way you manage your day to day, your strategy and the way you deliver your value.

Have a great external network and spend time outside of your company. We need to bring in outside perspective to continue progressing as a legal division and in-house counsel. The network should be diverse; law firms, other companies, sectors, or areas of practices. Dedicating time to study is crucial to staying updated, refreshing your thinking and building new relationships.

You should also be emotionally and physically healthy. These habits help to maintain your levels of peace, energy, and motivation.

How have you fostered a closer collaboration between the legal department and your business counterparts?

We encourage clear communication on priorities; frequent interaction; empower the business to take decisions; and show success cases where legal was involved in the right time and cases of failure when legal was called at the last minute.

We have a clear vision of the legal division and are aware of the strategic priorities that should be communicated to the business to demonstrate an alignment with business direction, company’s value and culture. The legal department also communicates our role in simplifying process and demonstrate our value by producing positive financial results from good litigation management.

Do you have a cause, business-related or otherwise, that you are passionate about?

Yes. I am passionate about all projects, initiatives or activities (within and outside the company) that are related to improve access to patients to information, diagnose and treatment. 20 years ago, my father had a very hard time receiving a right diagnosis and treatment to a chronic and severe disease and after a journey, got access to the treatment he needed. He is still alive, and we have had great moments with him in all the extra years he has gotten.

I also love participating in efforts that contribute to the inclusion of people who do not have social and economic privileges as well as teaching. I very much enjoy building programs with relevant content for people in and outside of Pfizer.

Shirley Meschke - Brazil 2023

Legal director | Laboratórios Pfizer

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Shirley Meschke - Brazil 2016

Legal Director | Laboratórios Pfizer

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