| Almap BBDO
Almap BBDO
One of the most celebrated advertising agencies in Brazil, Almap BBDO takes on a range of clients and has an enviable reputation for creative excellence and success in growing clients’ brands. Augusto Cesar Fortuna, legal manager, leads the three-person in-house legal team at Almap BBDO and details how the teams main goal, ensuring that its ‘work was considered part of the mechanism of the business and is not just looked to when a legal matter appears’, has been a success. He and his team have also worked hard to innovate, and have ‘developed contract management software with an IT partner, especially for film production contracts’, a project that has led to significant efficiency improvements to the team’s day-to-day activities. The team has been involved in the legal support of some particularly glamorous and high-profile projects, as Fortuna outlines. ‘Giving legal support to the global campaign of one of the main sponsors of FIFA World Cup 2014 and Rio Olympic Games 2016, both held in Brazil, were particular highlights’, he explains. ‘All the advertising campaigns of this sponsor were created by Almap BBDO, and we provided a huge volume of legal approvals and contracts (film production, licencing and image agreements), which were executed worldwide’.