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Brazil Teams 2017


| Hasbro


Brazil Teams 2017


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American multinational Hasbro is the third largest toy maker in the world with revenues of approximately $4.45bn. The company’s Brazilian legal team is well equipped to deal with all litigious matters, boasting an aptitude for international law and possessing high levels of inter jurisdictional experience. The legal team helps with the management of all legal and compliance activities in Latin America including Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Peru, Colombia and Argentina reporting to the international legal vice president in London. The most senior Brazilian lawyer at Hasbro is director, regional legal and government affairs, Taciana Fazzolari, who coordinates the activities of one lawyer in Mexico and enables cooperation with external lawyers in Latin America. A large part of the legal teams’ work is based around intellectual property matters and the management of registration assisting with the opposition and defence of local brands in Brazil and Latin America additionally supporting the licensing group on contract negotiations and implementation of anti-counterfeiting strategy in the region. The team has also recently focused on the implementation and enforcement of the company’s compliance program, coordinating investigations of possible breaches and determination of corrective measures. The function places a great deal of importance on training deployment for employees and third parties on business conduct, anticorruption and compliance matters. Legal also oversees the marketing aspect of a number of projects, guiding the artwork, packaging and commercial promotions review and approval. Having become a main part of the consumer affairs, regulatory and public relations group; legal represent the company before Conar, a non-governmental organisation that regulates the advertising sector in Brazil, assisting with the launch of a number of Hasbro products and merchandise.

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Taciana Fazzolari

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