Rio Energy – GC Powerlist
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Brazil Teams 2017

Rio Energy

| Rio Energy


Brazil Teams 2017

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Rio Energy


Committed to sustainable energy, Rio Energy works on the development, construction and operation of renewable energy power plants with the highest quality standards, creating both social and economic value for local communities and stakeholders. Having developed, in less than five years, a portfolio of 485MW of operated and in-construction wind generation projects, the company has relied on the excellent work of its legal team to carry out its ambitious plans. General counsel Lucas Quevedo explains that amongst its other achievements, the legal team has ‘developed, together with the real estate team, a process for land-title regularisation that has proven very efficient. Real estate is a key element in the development of renewables, more particularly wind and solar projects, and this process has enhanced the pace in our developments and significantly reduced our exposure to litigation in this area’. Also involved in a number of social projects, most recently the legal team has been central to creating a strong legal backdrop to support its renowned work in the sector. The legal team strongly support the company goal of being transparent, sustainable and committed to governance and compliance throughout their operations. Staffed with outstanding legal professionals, coming in for particular praise include legal manager Nathalia Jereissati and two specialists – Pedro Machado, Sr. and Maria Eduarda Tisi, all of whom have ‘contributed immensely contributed to the team’s success’.

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Luciana Ferreira

Legal Director, compliance, regulatory and sustainability

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Lucas Quevedo

General counsel

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Luciana Ferreira

Legal Director, compliance, regulatory and sustainability

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