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Brazil Teams 2017


| Sabesp


Brazil Teams 2017

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Sabesp is one of Brazil’s largest organisations, and is recognised as the largest waste management company in the world by market capitalisation. In addition to this impressive accolade, it accrued $4.2bn in revenues for 2016 and has around 15,000 employees on the back of its extensive water supply and sewage management initiatives; for example, the company provides water to 26.7 million people. Tax lawyer Gustavo Saroba Mariano ensures that legal and tax matters are closely related at Sabesp, and his specialist skills, gained over 15 years with the company, ensure that both these areas are well looked after. Elsewhere in the legal department, legal manager Wagner Mota similarly brings a large amount of experience to his role, having spent six and a half years supporting Sabesp’s operations.

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