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Brazil Teams 2017




Brazil Teams 2017


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Transmissora Aliança de Energia Elétrica (TAESA) is one of the largest private electricity transmission groups in Brazil, exclusively dedicated to the construction, operation and maintenance of transmission lines. Chief legal officer Luciano de Araújo Ferraz manages the legal team of six lawyers, comprising of three lawyers for the litigation area, two for the projects area involving agreements, auctions and M&A, and one for the corporate governance area. In light of the regulatory and environmental matters in the region in the last two years the legal and regulatory teams changed the company’s position concerning the public organs and agencies, rendering it to a more active position. Amongst the team’s most notable innovations is the creation of TAJUR, a system for judicial and extrajudicial settlements based on several financial and legal parameters that reduces the number of company’s lawsuits, in addition to avoiding the entry of new lawsuits. Involved in the company’s large scale auctions, last year the legal team oversaw the successful powerline purchase at an Aneel auction – which boasts an annual revenue of R$175m, as well as the sale of Taesa’s shares held by FIP Coliseu. Commenting on the team’s ethos, legal coordinator for contracts and M&A, Henrique Perez Verçosa says, ‘our goal is to be a highly efficient and motivated team.’ The team has direct interaction with senior members of the company, including the CEO, board of officers and the executive board of the company, continuing to fortify the integration between business and legal departments.

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