Bird Construction – GC Powerlist
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Canada Teams 2019

Bird Construction

| Bird Construction


Canada Teams 2019

Recommended Team

Bird Construction


The talented and committed in-house legal team at Bird Construction is led by Charles Caza, the company’s senior vice president, general counsel and corporate secretary. Caza leads the company’s risk management team, consisting of legal, compliance, insurance, regulatory and risk management functions, using a collaborative approach between its head office and operational centres across Canada. Bird Construction is a leading civil engineering and construction company with operations in 12 offices across Canada, excluding Quebec. The company offers a wide range of pre-construction services and frequently works within public-private partnerships across a range of sectors. Each construction sector requires the legal team to tackle different legal challenges from environmental standards, construction codes, commercial law and everything in between. The team is highly skilled and capable in all of these areas and is led by an expert former civil engineer turned lawyer in Caza. As a nominator identifies, ‘his background as a civil engineer, knowledge of the construction and engineering industries, and a practical business sense, provides Bird with one of the best specialists in this field’.

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Charles Caza

Senior vice president, general counsel and corporate secretary

Bird Construction

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Charles Caza

Senior vice president, general counsel and corporate secretary

Bird Construction

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