Canadian Natural Resources – GC Powerlist
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Canada Teams 2019

Canadian Natural Resources

| Canadian Natural Resources


Canada Teams 2019

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Canadian Natural Resources


Canadian Natural Resources (CNRL) is a major oil and gas producer headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, with assets ranging from oil sands production in Northern Alberta to offshore rigs near Africa and in the UK’s portion of the North Sea. It produces a mixture of natural gas, light and heavy crude oil, bitumen and synthetic crude oil and is one of the largest and most diversified independent energy producers in the world. To maintain this status, CNRL has a top quality in-house legal team led by vice president, legal, general counsel and corporate secretary Paul Mendes. The team is highly accomplished in energy law and matters pertaining to energy production including environmental, regulatory and land management as well as financial, corporate and contractual matters. CNRL has recently expanded into thermal energy at its facility at Pelican Lake, to supplement its portfolio as the largest natural gas and heavy crude oil producers in Canada. In addition to this, the legal team has assisted the firm in its establishment of an automatic securities purchase plan as well as the acquisition of Laricina Energy in December 2018.

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