Ivette Lorena Franco – GC Powerlist
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Central America 2016

Ivette Lorena Franco

Validation assistant manager/General counsel | Copa Airlines


Central America 2016


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Ivette Lorena Franco

Validation assistant manager/General counsel | Copa Airlines

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Directora senior de asesoria legal | Copa Airlines

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Ivette Lorena Franco Koroneos - Central America 2018

Senior director of legal advice and general counsel | Copa Airlines

Ivette Lorena Franco Koroneos has served as a senior director of legal and general counsel at Copa Airlines since 1999, and is one of the most influential people in Central...

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Ivette Lorena Franco has been the director of legal advice for Copa Airlines (Copa) for the last 17 years. As Panama’s flag carrier airline, Copa sets high expectations for its staff. Franco has more than met these expectations by demonstrating, in the words of one nominator, ‘the highest standards of legal, commercial and ethical guidance the business could wish for’. Her vast experience of aviation law predates her time with Copa: from 1985 to 1990 Franco was legal adviser to Air Panama International. She is a regular speaker at international aviation law conferences and is a well-regarded figure in the sector globally. Aside from her expertise in international aviation law, she is known for her contribution to social causes, particularly in the field of gender equality. She was a major contributor to the Inter-American Commission of Women and is a member of the International Aviation Women’s Association (IAWA). She has also held prominent positions within the Panamanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and was president of the organising committee of the Pro Tempore Secretariat of the Rio Group, in which capacity she was responsible for meeting foreign ministers of the Rio Group and the European Union.

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