Vice president of legal risk and secretary | Banco Latinoamericano de Comercio Exterior, S.A. (Bladex)
Jorge Luis Real
Vice president of legal risk and secretary | Banco Latinoamericano de Comercio Exterior, S.A. (Bladex)
Executive vice president, chief legal officer and corporate secretary | BLADEX (Banco Latinoamericano De Comercio Exterior)
Executive vice president, chief legal officer and corporate secretary - AMLCA | BLADEX (Banco Latinoamericano De Comercio Exterior)
Jorge Luis Real serves as executive vice president – chief legal officer and corporate secretary. He joined Bladex as vice president, head of legal risk in 2014, was appointed secretary...
Executive vice president - chief legal officer and corporate secretary | BLADEX (Banco Latinoamericano De Comercio Exterior)
Jorge Luis Real serves as executive vice president – chief legal officer and corporate secretary. He joined Bladex as vice president, head of legal risk in 2014, was appointed secretary of the...
Jorge Luis Real has spent the last 16 years working for three top multinational banking institutions across both Panama and the United States, accumulating unrivalled expertise in investment and corporate banking. Following a short spell at Panamanian law firm Mauad & Mauad, Real moved in-house in 2000 and was immediately presented with the challenge of creating the legal department of BBVA in Panama, simultaneously implementing new banking regulations at the same time. Over the next several years, Real developed an efficient legal function and rose to the position of secretary to the board of directors of the bank. Between 2005 and 2014, Real served at BNP Paribas, initially as head of the legal department for the corporate and investment banking division in Panama and Central America and subsequently as vice president for the corporate banking legal department for the entire Latin America region, based out of New York. Impressing peers with his client handling skills and adaptability, Real was hired by the Banco Latinoamericano de Comercio Exterior, S.A. (Bladex), a multinational organisation that finances exports in Latin America, where he currently serves as Senior Vice President for Legal Risk and Secretary to the Board of Directors. Real currently supervises all matters related to legal affairs that concern the bank’s business in the US and Latin America