Director of legal advice | Del Monte Fresh Produce Group
Luis Enrique Gomez
Director of legal advice | Del Monte Fresh Produce Group
Regional director of legal services and corporate secretary | Scotiabank
Legal regional director, corporate secretary and deputy CEO Costa Rica | Scotiabank de Costa Rica
Legal regional director, corporate secretary and deputy CEO Costa Rica | Scotiabank de Costa Rica
Director regional servicios legales y secretario corporativo | Scotiabank
Regional director Legal services and corporate secretary | Scotiabank
In December 2017, Luis Enrique Gómez-Portuguez left Del Monte after almost ten years as their legal director and corporate relations for the CECAB region. He went on to assume the...
Del Monte Fresh is a global producer, marketer and distributor of fresh, fresh-cut and prepared fruit and vegetables globally. The company’s legal team has been an important element and a catalyst for recent plans to expand its presence in Central and South America. As part of his role of legal director and corporate relations head at Del Monte Fresh Produce Group across Colombia, Ecuador, Central America and Brazil, Luis Enrique Gomez has to deal with complex local regulations in multiple jurisdictions with substantial differences from one country to another. As the agricultural industry has become highly regulated, especially from an environmental perspective, Gomez has had to deal with social and political forces in each country, a very delicate task, which he has been able to tackle successfully.