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Central America 2016

Oscar Montes

Legal director | Integra Group


Central America 2016


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Oscar Montes

Legal director | Integra Group

Oscar Montes - Central America 2022

Executive vice president legal, general counsel, chief compliance officer and corporate secretary | Integra Capital Group

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Oscar Alejandro Montes Mayorga is a Nicaragua-based vice president of legal at the Guatemala-headquartered consortium Integra Group Centroamerica, which specialises in energy investments, as well as agro-industrial, manufacturing and insurance related work. Over the past seven years in the consortium, Montes has utilised his vast experience, both in-house and in private practice, to provide operational legal support to the diverse range of businesses of Integra Group in Nicaragua. These include a geothermal generation company with an installed capacity of 70 MW, an electricity generation company with an installed capacity of 68 MW, a Nicaraguan rice producer with a market share of 20% of the domestic production, an exporter of mangoes and a textile business. To advise a business with such wide span of activities, Montes has showcased unprecedented levels of commercial understanding and strategic planning. Montes’ previous role was with Walmart Mexico and Central America, where he initially held responsibility for the Nicaraguan legal unit and subsequently expanded his scope to the entire Central America region. In recognition of his achievements in his three-and-a-half tenure at the company, Montes was selected as an advisor to the advisory council of Walmart’s regional president. Montoya also has five years of experience in private practice at Salvadoran law firm Arias & Muñoz.

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