Virginia Servent – GC Powerlist
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Central America 2016

Virginia Servent

Antipiracy Director | Fox Networks Group Latin America


Central America 2016

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Virginia Servent

Antipiracy Director | Fox Networks Group Latin America


Virginia Servent has established her name as a leading anti-piracy lawyer in the field and boasts a wealth of experience of intellectual property and related work across the Latin America region. She joined Fox in 2014 as part of the media company’s fight against piracy and illegal cable connections in the region. The antipiracy department was set up in Latin America in 2013 with Fox’s chief officer of anti-piracy Daniel Steinmetz as the sole counsel. Servent was brought in a year later to head the antipiracy department for Mexico, Central America and Dominican Republic from the Guatemala offices. Speaking on her most recent work, Servent says: ‘We were the very first antipiracy department in the pay TV industry for the Latin American region, thus the biggest change was the creation of the function itself. Even though I am still working on it, we have achieved an approach to one of the biggest illegal cable operators in the region, we are working on a final settlement to finally have them as our affiliate’. Initially responsible for implementing action plans defined by the regional anti-piracy group, she has since evolved into a more strategically engaged role which sees her identifying preventive strategies in a number of core markets. Her wider duties include devising and running training programmes, working with and managing pay TV operators, monitoring infringement risk and auditing affiliates. She has been a member of the Inter-American Association of Intellectual Property (ASIPI) since 2002 and a member of the International Trademark Association (INTA) since 2001.

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