Legal director | Pfizer Central America and Caribbean
Gabriela Bogantes
Legal director | Pfizer Central America and Caribbean
Legal affairs director | Pfizer Central America & Caribbean
Formerly a private practice lawyer at law firm Gonzalez & Uribe, Gabriela Bogantes is now a widely recognised figure in the Costa Rican in-house market. Bogantes, currently Pfizer’s Central American...
Gabriela Bogantes joined Pfizer as legal counsel to support Pfizer Diversified Businesses of animal health, consumer and nutritional businesses, as well as the enabling functions of the company across all business units. As part of this role she was additionally requested to support commercial initiatives and regional projects such as the integration of Wyeth Pharmaceuticals in the region. ‘During this period of time I was able to work with cross functional teams in the organisation, which allowed me to obtain more knowledge not only about the company and business per se, but the intricacies of each of the areas I had the chance to work with’, says Bogantes. By November 2011 she was promoted to legal manager, expanding her role, as the primary legal contact for all Central America and Caribbean Pfizer’s businesses and started to report to the regional Latin America legal lead. During her time as a manager she was assigned to lead certain regional Latin America based initiatives such as multichannel marketing, giving her the opportunity to participate in different in different forums and providing her with the broader knowledge of the region. This led her onto becoming part of the local executive leadership team, being the youngest member of all time. ‘The support from the local leaders, as well as from my manager propelled my career and allowed me to become a solid contributor in this type of forum; with this process I was able to position legal as a key stakeholder for all business units and departments in the company’, says Bogantes, enabling her to become a go-to partner when initiating projects and initiatives. In December 2015 she was promoted to legal director for the Central America and Caribbean and was also assigned with multiple regional support roles for Latin America, including being the primary legal contact for the Oncology Business between 2015-2016, Rare Diseases and Vaccines during 2017-2018. She continues to support all business units in all of the Central America region, as well as the global supply business in Panama and the new global financial service centre established in Costa Rica in late 2015. Bogantes also supported the integration of Hospira Business to Pfizer in Central America and Caribbean, and then the sale of the infusion business unit to ICU, including the sale of the two major plants located in Costa Rica and Dominican Republic.