Legal manager, Central America and Caribbean | Siemens
Silvia Arce López
Legal manager, Central America and Caribbean | Siemens
CLAT legal, ethics and compliance director | Novo Nordisk
Legal, ethics and compliance director | Novo Nordisk
Silvia Arce is a legal and compliance director with over 20 years of experience in the legal field. She has a degree in Law from the Universidad Internacional de las...
Legal and compliance director CLAT | Novo Nordisk
Silvia joined Novo Nordisk in September 2021 as legal and compliance director for Central America, Caribbean and South America, member of NovoNordisk´s board of directors and part of the management...
Legal and compliance director CLAT | Novo Nordisk
Silvia Arce López is an innovative and business-oriented corporate legal counsel with more than 11 years of experience providing high quality services across a broad range of corporate functions. She currently serves as the legal manager for Central America and Caribbean at Siemens Costa Rica, a role she has held since November 2010. She has been part of a number of transactions, one of which involved the October 2015 demerging of the Siemens regional entities and creation of a new healthcare company in each country, making a standalone company in one year. Most notably she participated in the biggest and most important Siemens Project Combustion Turbine and the Steam Turbine in Panamá. Internally, López has been making the legal department more efficient, reducing legal fees and generating a more effective budget. She states she has also been responsible for standardising agreements and contracts and ‘providing empowerment’ to the rest to the company’s teams. López previously worked at Grupo Roble, under the capacity of legal manager for Costa Rica, where she gave legal advice in building and managing shopping centres, residential housing, and office spaces, including premium brands such as Multiplaza Escazú Corporate Center and Plaza Roble.