Regional corporate legal counsel for Central America | Walmart Central America
Victor Murillo
Regional corporate legal counsel for Central America | Walmart Central America
Legal counsel manager | Accenture Costa Rica
Legal counsel manager for Costa Rica and Mexico | Accenture
Regional corporate legal manager | Accenture
Regional counsel (Central America) | Walmart de México y Centroamérica
‘Achieving the balance between being a business partner and, concurrently, remaining firm in one’s legal positions is an art and requires great assertiveness and the expertise to reach alternative solutions...
Victor Murillo is a high performing lawyer with more than 15 years of academic formation and professional experience in law, international relations and business, making a strong combination to work as a lawyer in a regional multinational company. His multidisciplinary approach has served him well in his current role as the regional corporate legal counsel for Walmart Central America where he provides support in five countries for the areas of trade, financial services, corporate treasury, tax, insurance and logistics. He also supports the good corporate governance of the company in seven countries. Since he started eight years ago as regional lawyer for Central America in charge of treasury and financial services direction, Murillo’s role has developed to encompass the whole legal corporate structure of the company in Central America and the Caribbean. Over the duration of his career, working in a Forbes Fortune company in Central America has been a highlight and privilege. He has learnt a vast amount simply by developing his team and working alongside what he describes as ‘excellent and ethical’ colleagues: ‘As an in-house lawyer, you have the privilege to work with the best in each area of the law. In-house counsel learn a lot from this kind of fluid interaction and deep expertise’, says Murillo. This has led him to continuously add value to the company, by assisting on complex corporate legal restructuring and business transactions in finance, logistics and commercial issues.