Claudia Lopez – GC Powerlist
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Central America 2023

Commercial and Professsional Services

Claudia Lopez

General counsel | Grupo Coen


Central America 2023

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Claudia Lopez

General counsel | Grupo Coen

What has been the number one challenge that has impacted you over the past year?

Grupo Coen is a business corporation of great importance in the Central American isthmus, currently with operations in Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Mexico. Its business units are developed in the sectors of financial services, paper industry, agribusiness, real estate and identification solutions. As we’re so diversified across various sectors and countries, the challenge as a lawyer is being involved in so many different transactions. This motivated me to expand my knowledge, and so in 2022 I started a master’s degree in business law at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. It has been a great challenge achieving a balance between my personal life, work at Grupo Coen, and my studies.

In which ways have you attempted to bring the legal department closer to your business colleagues?

It is essential for our legal team to understand the organisation and the objective of each unit of the company so that we can have a better overview of the business and be able to specifically address each investment. Undoubtedly, timely and accurate communication minimizes the risk in the company’s operations and allows us to promptly address each problem that arises.

What are some of the most significant cases and transactions you have been involved in recently?

Grupo Coen’s regional presence continues to grow in the development of new businesses in the region, so our legal team has played an important role in the creation and management of new and expanding companies.

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