Edgar Solís – GC Powerlist
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Central America 2023

Industrials and real estate

Edgar Solís

General counsel | Grupo Roble


Central America 2023


Recommended Individual

Edgar Solís

General counsel | Grupo Roble

What has been the number one challenge that has impacted you over the past year?

The impact of the pandemic over the past year has been a very difficult hurdle, as it has been for many industries around the world. I work in the commercial real estate and office-renting industry and, on one hand, it’s necessary to be a strong negotiator when it comes to rent prices. On the other hand, it’s important to make strategic decisions that help us maintain good relationships with our lessees and manage arrears rates. This balance has been a challenge. It’s also important to manage the quality of tenants you are keeping and maintain your occupancy numbers, so hitting our target results at the end of the year did present a challenge.

In which ways have you attempted to bring the legal department closer to your business colleagues?

The legal team must understand the interests and the core business of the company to be able to deliver not only good advice, but also clever solutions that are pro-business and risk-mitigating. Having in-house counsel, as opposed to outside counsel, offers the company a legal resource with a unique understanding of the business and its corporate values. Opening and keeping excellent channels of communications, engaging in meetings and decision-making processes, and managing operational and human resources conflicts are some of the ways in which we work collaboratively with our business colleagues.

What are some of the most significant cases and transactions you have been involved in recently?

Over the last year, keeping in mind that we are still recovering from the pandemic, we’ve had the opportunity to attract new lessees to commercial centres and corporate offices. This has been an interesting challenge not only in our efforts to get maximum occupancy, but also to attract both fresh and established brands to the market. To that end, the legal guidance we’ve provided across the company’s business objectives has been crucial in the protection of the company´s interest.

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