General counsel, director senior legal, regulatorio y compliance | Cable & Wireless Panamá
Adviel Centeno Mayta
General counsel, director senior legal, regulatorio y compliance | Cable & Wireless Panamá
Team size: 24
Country: Panama
What are some of the key developments (legal, geopolitical or otherwise) that have affected your business over the last year?
Sales to large companies and the government play a significant role in our business. Legal is due to these business areas to achieve their objectives and, therefore, the company. To achieve this objective, we implement weekly meetings with the commercial areas so that all projects in the development phase are presented, Legal can offer suggestions and recommendations from the beginning, and internal approval processes can be accelerated.
How do you think the in-house legal role will evolve in the coming years?
You must be a business facilitator for which a high financial, operational and commercial knowledge of your company is essential. Without this knowledge, the role will not be able to be developed to its full capacity or collaborate effectively in achieving objectives.
Do you use any legal technology products and, if so, what areas of your work do you find it most useful for?
We use a technological system for the contract approval process and its storage. This allows for better traceability and a secure repository of the organisation’s sensitive documentation.
Senior director legal and regulatory | Cable & Wireless Panamá
General counsel and senior legal director | Cable and Wireless Panama
General counsel and secretary | The AES Corporation
Adviel Centeno Mayta has been general counsel and secretary at The AES Corporation since 2010 having previously served in executive in-house legal positions and private practice at Bufete MF&Co, SAB...