Alfonso Videche – GC Powerlist
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Central America 2024

Consumer products

Alfonso Videche

Regional senior director Central America | Colgate-Palmolive


Central America 2024

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Alfonso Videche

Regional senior director Central America | Colgate-Palmolive

Team size: Three

Guatemala, oversees Central America

Could you share an example of a time when you came up with an innovation that improved the way your legal team works and did not come at a large expense?

We have made a lot of progress in the digital area, we have custom-made developments (we program them in-house) we have developed several systems to solve problems that we had along the way, such as the way we receive notifications in the region and the way we renew all operating permits of our subsidiaries. For this, we develop specific innovative systems to solve these needs. Likewise, and within our self-service initiative, we developed a site where our people can consult all the systems and documents of legal significance that they can see and resolve personally.

What are some of the key developments (legal, geopolitical or otherwise) that have affected your business over the last year?

As it is well reported, we have faced great challenges in the region this year. We have had problems operating during the blockades that occurred in Guatemala and Panama. Additionally, several of the other countries are complex to do business in. And yet, despite all these problems we have had a very good year.

How do you think the in-house legal role will evolve in the coming years?

We have seen how the trendiest topics under discussion have been transforming us, little by little. First, it was data privacy, then electronic commerce, later the management of data and information and finally now we must learn and see the effect that artificial intelligence has on the practice of law, and particularly the development of legal departments.

Do you use any legal technology products and, if so, what areas of your work do you find it most useful for?

We absolutely do. We have been developing our own in-house systems. We have systems for managing contracts, powers, notifications, development of promotions, migration and tracking, and renewal of operating permits. All these areas that require monitoring and internal processes work very well.

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