Senior director legal and regulatory | Cable & Wireless Panamá
Legal and government affairs manager Central America and Dominican Republic | Avon
Legal, compliance and government relations manager NCA (Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras) | Samsung Electronics
Legal Manager | LATAM privacy and tech compliance champion | Kimberly-Clark
Senior legal manager, Head of legal and compliance officer RSS Americas Roche | Liberty Networks
Legal and risk manager | Securitas Costa Rica
Senior legal counsel LADMAR - Panama | Procter & Gamble
Corporate legal counsel | Holcim El Salvador
Of Salvadoran Nationality, Bernice is a Lawyer with more than 22 years of working experience, her practices were initially focused on Administrative Law, Human Rights, Banking, Litigation, and Labor law....
Chief legal counsel and regulatory compliance affairs | DELSUR
She is a lawyer and public notary, bilingual and multicultural manager with extensive expertise in corporate, constitutional, and administrative law, energy regulation in national and regional markets, social responsibility, compliance,...
General counsel | Citi Costa Rica
Cristina joined Citi back in July 2001, currently she is the General Counsel in Costa Rica with oversight for legal affairs and corporate governance matters for the financial group as...
Regional general counsel Mexico and Central America | Enel Green Power
Legal, corporate affairs and wholesale business director | Movistar El Salvador
Chief of legal consultancy unit | Centro Financiero Davivienda
Head of legal affairs and compliance | Grupo EDECSA
Legal director, legal-regulatory control and corporate secretary | Grupo Financiero Davivienda Costa Rica
Legal manager and compliance officer | Nicaragua Energy Services
Legal Director for Central America & The Caribbean | Asofarma (Adium Group)
Director of legal affairs Central America, Caribbean, Argentina and Uruguay | JCDecaux
Head of legal commercial operations Latam | Fresenius Medical Care Panamá
Senior director of legal advisory | Copa Airlines
Executive vice president, chief legal officer and corporate secretary | BLADEX (Banco Latinoamericano De Comercio Exterior)
Regional legal director TT and compliance officer, LATAM. | FOUNDEVER
General counsel and corporate governance officer | Banco Promerica GUATEMALA
Senior director, international and legal affairs | SBA Communications Corporation
Director legal, corporate governance and regulatory compliance | Banco Davivienda Salvadoreño
Vice president legal and compliance | Banco Agromercantil de Guatemala (Bam)
Legal and compliance director | Roche Pharma Caribbean, Central America & Venezuela (CCAV)
Senior legal and contracts manager | MRO Holdings El Salvador
Regional director of legal services and corporate secretary | Scotiabank
Legal and external affairs manager Guatemala and El Salvador | British Tabacco Company
Legal counsel | Premium Restaurants of America
Head of legal, corporate security, ethics and compliance | Walmart Centro America (Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras)
Executive vice president, general counsel and chief compliance officer | Integra Capital Group
Legal director and general counsel | LifeMiles & Avianca Loyalties
Manager, legal affairs and regional data protection officer LATAM | Foundever
Legal director, regulation and corporate affairs | Telecable
Legal Lead for North Latin America and BOPE | Hewlett Packard Enterprise
General counsel | Corporacion Multi-Inversiones (CMI)
Global legal counsel north america and Latam | Unilever Central America
Vice president regional, compliance and data protection officer, AMERICAS | DHL Global Forwarding, Americas
President and executive director | CASEM -Cámara de Sedes de Empresas Multinacionales
Legal director ACAC (Central America, Andean Region and The Caribbean) | Uber