3M Central America – GC Powerlist
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Central America Teams 2017

Industrials and real estate

3M Central America

| 3M Central America


Central America Teams 2017


Recommended Team

3M Central America


3M’s highly significant global operations account for around $30bn in revenue and provide employment for over 90,000 people globally on the back of a highly diversified operation. The company’s revenue streams are no less diverse in Central America, with the healthcare, automotive and energy strands of the business all contributing to the company’s success. Individually, legal counsel Maira Serrano Prados came in for specific praise by sources for her expertise in commercial law and litigation, and her ability to combine this with business strategy. The team as a whole has been involved in a number of projects with 3M, including the establishing of a new “supply centre of enterprise” in the country in order to create efficiency improvements by sourcing quality products from suppliers.

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