adidas Latin America – GC Powerlist
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Central America Teams 2017

Consumer products

adidas Latin America

| adidas Latin America


Central America Teams 2017

Recommended Team

adidas Latin America


The Panama based legal function of the world-leading sportswear manufacturer Adidas provides commercial legal advice across Panama, the rest of Central America, the Caribbean, Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Working in synergy with key “front-office” functions such as marketing, e-commerce, sales, retail and accounting, the team led by senior legal and compliance director Kadine Hurtado is known for its expertise in regional and global compliance regimes, including matters relating to the US Foreign Court Practices Act and anti-dumping legislation. It has also provided consistently strong legal advice to all areas of the business on labour law, immigration issues, franchises, tax, competition law and consumer affairs corporate law. Equally impressive has been the team’s work to prepare and negotiate different types of key contracts on behalf of the company and its expertise in IP protection. At the helm of the function since 2012, Hurtado is a multilingual professional, who has received consistent praise from peers for her advice on strategic issues facing the company, as well as increasingly important environmental and social responsibility initiatives. Supporting Hurtado is Marie Salguera who plays a key role in supporting on the reviewing contracts, monitoring immigration procedures for employees and IP protection amongst other matters.

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