Colgate-Palmolive (Centro America) – GC Powerlist
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Central America Teams 2017

Consumer products

Colgate-Palmolive (Centro America)

| Colgate-Palmolive (Centro America)


Central America Teams 2017

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Colgate-Palmolive (Centro America)


The Guatemalan-based legal team for US multinational consumer products company Colgate-Palmolive is tasked with handling matters across the Central American region and is comprised of three lawyers headed by Alfonso Videche, the regional legal director. Videche is supported by regional legal manager and brand protection specialist for the Latin American Division Maria del Rosario Gonzalez and junior attorney Mayrim Cardona. ‘We are divided by the service we provide, by company functions, countries and also by product categories’, explains Videche. As such, the team supports on labour law and customs matters and deal effectively with migratory issues and prosecutors. The team has been commended for ‘successfully completing acquisitions in the last few years, and continuing to successfully defend the company from challenges in competitor advertising’.

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