| Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego
Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego
Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego, the state development bank of Poland, is responsible for implementing various government mandated tasks by Polish government aimed at development of the Polish economy and other social development including the National Road Fund, National Housing Fund, Thermo-modernisation and Rennovation Fund as well as the Railway Fund. The Bank is part of infrastructure and economic stimulus efforts during recessions and other economic disruptions. The legal team, of around 40 members, plays an important role in ensuring the legality of all the bank’s activities providing it with the platform from which it can do its work. Piotr Bielarczyk, general counsel and director of the legal department, is responsible for leading the team and has previously featured in the 2017 GC Powerlist: Central and Eastern Europe. The team is highly decorated, industry award winning and continues to impress.