| HB Reavis
HB Reavis
The Slovak real estate development company HB Reavis employs a legal department comprised of over 45 lawyers which supports the activities of the business in its core markets – Slovakia, Poland, the UK, Czech Republic, Hungary and Germany. With respect to internal organisation, the team recently underwent a so-called “One Legal Team” initiative, focused on integrating the legal teams in each country where the business has significant presence. The key objectives of this initiative, according to the team’s lead lawyer Pištek Radovan, were aimed at establishing an attractive environment for talent, create a team of lawyers with capabilities to simultaneously work on local projects and to increase effectiveness in pooling human resources. HB Reavis legal team’s other internal achievements from the last two years centre around mastering group standards for terms and condition of leases, work on GDPR in the area of indoor positioning and face recognition, establishing a fully functional licensed fund manager under the AIFMD and looking at blockchain technologies and smart contracting. As HB Reavis’ team runs a fully integrated model, there is a great number of of projects, across all functional areas that the legal department is actively involved in. ’It goes without saying that any legal matters are within leadership of HB Reavis senior legal personnel often supported with external legal counsel firm,’ Radovan clarifies. ’ This applies to operations as well as any transactional work or planning such as acquisitons (whether asset, corporate, distressed and more), divestments, leasing, financing (project financing, corporate financing, hedging and other financial instruments) and development’. The team’s contribution to such projects is highly significant, with sources highlighting its impressive work on the development cycle of virtually every single real estate project, as well as transactions related to HB Reavis’ recent divestment programme.