Loreto Urqueta – GC Powerlist
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Chile 2017

Loreto Urqueta

Corporate affairs, legal and compliance head | Novartis Chile


Chile 2017


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Loreto Urqueta

Corporate affairs, legal and compliance head | Novartis Chile


Swiss multinational pharmaceutical company Novartis, established itself in Chile 1996 and has since gained a significant share in a number of markets by launching new and bestselling products in the country. Following a resolution passed by Chile’s Chamber of Deputies in early 2017 to encourage the use of compulsory licences to import generic versions of patented drugs, Novartis’ Chilean chapter has recruited Loreto Urqueta, a bilingual attorney, with 20 years of experience in various areas of law and compliance. She is highly regarded by her peers for her ability to ‘participate in complex litigations that are very demanding and always [providing] innovative and creative solutions’. Urqueta gained significant recognition in the Chilean pharmaceutical in-house legal market between 2009 and 2013 when she served as legal head and compliance officer at Roche Chile, another global pioneer in pharmaceuticals. As one source says of her, ‘she is very detail focused, easy to work with, even when the workload is heavy and intense’. Immediately prior to her role at Roche, Urqueta worked in the corporate legal department for Codelco, the world’s largest copper producer, for two years in her first in-house role. Developing her ‘excellent command of technical legal terminology and legal concepts used in documents’ throughout her career, Urqueta also spent four years at 3rd Floor Translations, a translation company. She also worked for the some of the most prestigious law firms in Chile such as FerradaNehme between 2001 and 2007 as partner, Barros, Letelier & González from 1998 until 2001 as senior associate and Harasic & López as her first role in 1994.

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