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Chile 2022

Materials and mining

Carolina Orrego Ceballos

Lawyer, legal and compliance manager | Melón


Chile 2022

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Carolina Orrego Ceballos

Lawyer, legal and compliance manager | Melón

Focus on the importance of compliance manager

The role of the legal and compliance manager at Melón can be divided into 2 focus areas. On the one hand, responsible for managing the organization’s corporate governance, and on the other, promoting policies aimed at raising awareness about a culture of compliance, which will allow Melón to establish itself as a relevant actor in the industry in matters of ethics and integrity.

Regarding corporate governance, the legal and compliance manager plays a fundamental role in advising the Melón executive committee on various regulatory matters, so that they are aware of regulatory changes, as well as new standards in corporate governance. As such, it is key that this advice is delivered with opportunity and depth, so that senior management can make relevant decisions in an informed manner.

Additionally, it is worth noting the clarity of this management to specify what is being analysed, raise the relevant points under review, make pertinent and detailed observations to the opinions or arguments that are given in the legal field and always have a global and all-encompassing vision. As we all know, having the right information in a timely manner minimizes the risks of making decisions that could have an impact on the company’s reputation or limit its opportunities in the market.

In terms of compliance, management has developed important activities and promoted policies that have determined ethics and integrity as the company’s key values. Furthermore, policies and different awareness campaigns have been launched with the aim that all those who work at Melón incorporate ethical conducts in their daily work, also required from our different suppliers and contractors. Also, since 2020, the month of September is celebrated as the month of integrity, an occasion in which different educational and dissemination activities are carried out transversally, on relevant issues that seek to prevent conducts that could compromise the reputation of the company.

The dissemination and good use of the integrity channel has been promoted, open to both collaborators and third parties through which they can confidentially and with total transparency communicate their concerns and complaints, which are investigated by a multidisciplinary team. Finally, it is necessary to highlight the intuitive criteria that management adopts to give course to compliance matters, always giving an opinion in line with the values of integrity promoted by the company.

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