Cristóbal Somarriva Quezada – GC Powerlist
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Chile 2022

Consumer products

Cristóbal Somarriva Quezada

Chief legal, sustainability and corporate affairs officer | Softys


Chile 2022

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Cristóbal Somarriva Quezada

Chief legal, sustainability and corporate affairs officer | Softys

Focus on legal design thinking

Softys is the largest tissue producer in Latin America and one of the top three producers of personal care products in the main Latin-American markets. Recently, the company acquired the operations of Sepac and Carta Fabril in Brazil, becoming the leader producer of tissue paper in that country, the biggest market in Latin America. For a company in continuous growth, and operating in very complex markets, one of the challenges is how we can mitigate legal risks of our operations, but at the same time, being seen as trusted partners and advisers to a very dynamic business.

For that purpose a specialised team of our internal counsels is developing a legal design thinking programme. The method has 4 phases: Firstly,immerse, which seeks to understand users and their context as a whole; then you should define. All the information collected is processed and analysed to find patterns and define the insights that require any type of intervention or redesign; The following step is to ideate, which is where we share ideas with our users and clients in order to prototype our products or services; and lastly, prototyp; which aims to produce a solution to the insights found in the process.

During this year 2022, we are redesigning our advertising and ethics process as we realised that we had opportunities to customise it to the needs of our dynamic business, which operates in eight different countries. The process contemplate several interviews with members of other teams of the company, in order to identify their insights and work together immersing in the day to day roles of each party. Finally, walking in other people shoes, is always a good way of better understanding, and in Softys´case being prepared for a market in constant evolution.

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