Óscar Jara León – GC Powerlist
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Chile 2022

Industrials and real estate

Óscar Jara León

Legal manager – fiscal | Fábricas y Maestranzas del Ejército


Chile 2022


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Óscar Jara León

Legal manager – fiscal | Fábricas y Maestranzas del Ejército

Focus on: in-house lawyers in the defence industry

It is necessary to describe Óscar Jara León as “the lawyer of the defence industry” since a large part of his development has been carried out within this area, considering that since the year 2000 he was already linked to this area providing legal services. In 2002 he entered as a student to work as a part-time advisor to FAMAE, later becoming the corporation’s lawyer in 2007, with 2013 being a very important milestone in his life since he was nominated as Legal or Fiscal Manager of FAMAE, an appointment that led him to consider new challenges in the hope of living up to the demands; in this sense, he specialised in business, mechanisms for resolving commercial conflicts, conciliation and different areas of the commercial and defence field, with the motto “Don’t raise your voice, improve your argument.” But this is only half the job, since the idea of improving levels of specialisation must always be linked to leadership in a team, which is why he has also endeavoured to improve the work environment and his collaborators. This has an impact on a quality legal product where the simple moment of tranquillity that allows a conscientious analysis of the corporation’s destiny, endows everyone with a renewed spirit of commitment on the horizon, making each of the members of the prosecution feel like the strongest link in the organisation. Once the above has been achieved, it is now necessary to give projection and legal stability to a company like FAMAE, which has been in existence for more than 210 years and carries a gigantic history, which is intertwined with the very roots of the beginning of Chile as a Republic. In this sense, there must be constant training in the study of administrative and commercial law; no less important is the fact of having decided to promote the maintenance and improvement of the English language, especially for dealing with customers and suppliers. In addition, the global progress of information technologies, especially in times of pandemic, has paid attention to the future of this industry in the field of artificial intelligence, forming part of study and specialisation teams with developments of engineering in this area. Finally, this lawyer is always oriented to generate permanent fluidity of coexistence and understanding in the contracts with the Institutions of the Armed Forces and within it the Chilean Army, to which this lawyer also belongs as a reservist. He has developed in new fields as director of public limited companies linked to the world of defence where, thanks to the trust placed by them, a true alignment of interests has been generated behind a common growth in the area of the defence industry. He comments that it is vital to generate a synergy that manages to project itself at the top of the government apparatus, but also in the day-to-day work.

Oscar Jara León - Chile 2019

Prosecutor - legal manager | Military Factories and Armories (FAMAE)

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