Regional legal director for the Andean Cluster | Pfizer
Ricardo Muza
Regional legal director for the Andean Cluster | Pfizer
Focus on inclusion and belonging
Inclusion is the additional work that needs to be done to make diversity meaningful by way of involving and embracing many people and ideas. In other words, the extra effort to transform an invitation to the party into actual participation.
Effective commitment and a sense of belonging can heavily influence employees’ turnover and job performance. Recent studies show that diversity, equality and inclusion practices have proven successful.
Managerial involvement is key, particularly when employees feel their supervisors help them advance their careers and value their contribution to the organisation. Good habits such as regular check-ins with reports and sharing personal stories have a positive impact.
Mentoring to broaden employees’ networks and creating tips documents to improve the effectiveness of mentoring and sponsorship strategies are also very relevant. Finally, workplace policies set the tone and pace of the corporation’s commitment in these unprecedented times to make these initiatives part of the day-to-day ethos of Pfizer and each specific company interested in fostering an inclusive culture.
Regional legal director for the Andean Cluster (Peru, Chile, Bolivia and Ecuador) | Pfizer
Regional legal director for the Andean cluster (Peru, Chile, Bolivia and Ecuador) | Pfizer
Regional legal director for Chile, Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia | Pfizer Chile
Pfizer’s operations in Chile can be traced back to 1957. Since then Pfizer has established a significant presence, forging its reputation as a key player in the local pharmaceutical market....
Regional legal director | Pfizer
Pfizer’s operations in Chile can be traced back to 1959, when the company was the first multinational pharmaceutical business to enter the country. Since then Pfizer has established a significant...