Carolina Orrego – GC Powerlist
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Chile 2024

Materials and mining

Carolina Orrego

Legal and compliance manager | Melón


Chile 2024

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Carolina Orrego

Legal and compliance manager | Melón

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crisis, and how does your legal strategy adapt? Align with the broader business strategy to ensure organisational resilience?

The role of the in-house lawyer in companies has, in recent years, taken on a very relevant role, given the regulatory changes and, in particular, the need to add value to the company, not limited to providing a legal opinion on a specific matter. issue or to resolve a conflict.

In times of crisis or highly challenging times like those we have experienced in recent years, the in-house lawyer must be able to adapt to the new demands, not only of his internal clients, but also to the ups and downs of the economy and legal changes. In this sense, the in-house lawyer must be able to anticipate situations that could put the interests of the company at risk, becoming deeply involved in the daily work of the business, being innovative in the way in which challenges are addressed and in offering solutions and alternatives to the difficulties raised.

On the other hand, in my case in particular, it has been crucial to assume a leadership role in the integrity pillar of the company’s sustainability strategy, in order to execute actions and implement measures that ensure ethical business performance. of the same, which is particularly challenging in times of crisis, ensuring not only the resilience of the company, but also contributing to the sustainability and continuity of its operations over time.

What steps has your company taken to incorporate sustainability practices into its core business operations? How does the role of general counsel contribute to driving and ensuring sustainable practices within the company?

The sustainability promoted by both shareholders, customers and suppliers, is a central element for the survival of the company. The cement industry has changed significantly since the beginning of the century, assuming increasingly ambitious commitments to address the complexity of today’s challenges, from demographic growth and greater urbanisation, the climate crisis, the inflationary context and new social demands.

In this sense, Melón has defined a Sustainability Strategy and Roadmap for the year 2030, which seeks to formalise the company’s commitment to the well-being of its environment and each of the interest groups, within the framework of an action ethical and transparent, which allows you to project your business in the long term. I have actively participated in this strategy, as a sponsor of the integrity pillar and as a member of the communities board, contributing from my knowledge to a frank, diverse dialogue, which allows us to generate actions and proposals for improvement in the efforts and relationships, both with our collaborators, creating an ethical culture that is essential to ensure our sustainability, as well as with different stakeholders, who are also part of our value chain and with whom we seek to maintain a transparent, honest dialogue that puts the people.

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