Daniela Hirsch – GC Powerlist
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Chile 2024


Daniela Hirsch

Head of legal, Chile and compliance officer, Latin America | Grünenthal


Chile 2024


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Daniela Hirsch

Head of legal, Chile and compliance officer, Latin America | Grünenthal

Team size: Six

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience?

During crisis periods, where uncertainty reigns and stress affects team’s performance, I believe legal aspects should be managed conveying calm and confidence and certainty, supporting teams in prioritising and aligning decision making processes.

This requires a proactive and strategic mindset. Proactiveness, in this context, includes staying ahead of potential legal challenges, keeping a close look on expected regulatory and political changes and its impact on Business strategy, and maintaining open lines of communication with key stakeholders. On the other hand, a strategic mindset requires conducting thorough risk assessments and aligning stakeholders on action plans based on alternate scenarios, as well as adapting quickly to changes. Though this approach, I aim to provide guidance that not only mitigates risks but also supports the company’s long-term objectives.

What emerging technologies do you see as having the most significant impact on the legal profession in the near future, and how do you stay updated on these developments?

I see artificial intelligence as having the most significant impact on the legal profession soon. Sooner rather than later I am sure all legal professionals will be relying heavily on AI to draft, review and analyse legal documentation, as well as perform many administrative tasks for us. This will impact the way we work with external counsel as well as our in-house efforts, allowing us to focus on those tasks where we can add most value to our business.

Additionally, legal professionals will be challenged with the legal impacts that come from the use of AI by the business. We will be required to assess risks and define a legal strategy in an area with little to no regulation, but certainly relevant risks from a legal and compliance perspective.

To stay updated on these developments, our legal operations team leads regular workshops to train the general counsel area on the use of these tools for our daily work. I also try to do some self-learning through online courses and attend webinars and events where the use of these technologies in the legal industry is discussed.

Daniela Hirsch Vergara - Chile 2023

Head of legal and compliance officer, Chile | Grünenthal

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