Jorge Arab – GC Powerlist
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Chile 2024

Energy and utilities

Jorge Arab

Chief legal officer | Sungrow


Chile 2024

Recommended Individual

Jorge Arab

Chief legal officer | Sungrow

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience?

As a Senior Legal Counsel, I manage legal aspects during periods of instability or crises by proactively mitigating risks. This involves limiting the liabilities and indemnities of the company to the maximum extent possible. I ensure that contracts include clauses that release Sungrow from liability in cases of force majeure or unforeseen events, and allow termination if continuing the contract would harm the company or the parties involved due to unexpected impacts on a project. Additionally, I focus on incorporating favorable clauses, applicable laws and dispute resolution mechanisms that align with Sungrow’s interests and standards.

A key part of my strategy is to ensure compliance with local and international laws, ethics, and treaties. Maintaining strong relationships with clients, suppliers, and banks is also fundamental, as it enables continued business operations and facilitates amicable resolution of disputes when necessary. This legal strategy has proven effective, as the company has not faced any litigation or arbitration under my tenure. To date, we have no claims.

Sungrow has been recognised as a leading player, holding around 80% of the market share and has as Clients Key Player in the energy industry, such as ENGIE, AES, Atlas, EDF, Brookfield, Atlantica, and Solar Pack. This alignment of our legal strategy with the broader business strategy ensures organisational resilience, allowing us to navigate crises effectively and maintain our leadership position in the industry.

What measures has your company taken to embed sustainability practices into its core business operations, and how does the role of the general counsel contribute to driving and ensuring sustainable practices within the company?

At Sungrow, sustainability is deeply embedded into our core business operations. We have committed to achieving carbon neutrality at the operational level by 2028 and across our supply chain by 2038. This commitment is reflected in our investment in renewable energy, such as building rooftop photovoltaic power stations with a cumulative capacity of 13 medium voltage (MW) and increasing our use of green electricity to 55%. Our innovative products, including the world’s first 2000 Volts inverter and the 10 Megawatt-hour fully liquid-cooled energy storage system, exemplify our dedication to eco-friendly development.

As Senior Legal Counsel, my role is key in driving and ensuring these sustainable practices. I ensure that all our contracts and operations comply with local and international environmental regulations and sustainability standards. This includes integrating clauses that promote environmental responsibility and mitigate risks related to non-compliance. I also oversee our adherence to the International Financial Reporting Standards on Climate-related Disclosures and other relevant guidelines, ensuring transparent and rigorous reporting of our sustainability efforts.

Furthermore, I work closely with our R&D and procurement teams to foster a sustainable supply chain. This involves conducting ESG audits and ensuring our suppliers comply with the International Organization for Standardization’s 14001 and ISO 45001 standards. By embedding these sustainability criteria into our legal and business frameworks, I help align our legal strategy with Sungrow’s broader sustainability goals.

Through these measures, we not only comply with regulations but also lead the industry in sustainable practices, reinforcing our mission of providing clean power for all, and maintaining our leadership in the market.

Jorge Arab - Chile 2023

Legal and contracts specialist | Sungrow Power Supply

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Jorge Arab

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