Renzo Parodi – GC Powerlist
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Chile 2024

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Renzo Parodi

Head of legal Latam | Tata Consultancy Services


Chile 2024

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Renzo Parodi

Head of legal Latam | Tata Consultancy Services

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience?

When faced with challenging periods within the organisation, I have approached those situations proactively. Challenging periods often have relevant time constraints that require prompt initial decisions to control any adverse effects or at least reduce the speed at which those effects are taking place. At this stage, it is key to make a thorough but expedited analysis of the legal scenarios the company is facing or could face.

The development of the legal strategy to be implemented is the second stage when dealing with these types of situations. Any strategy must have as its foundation the broader business strategy that the leadership is laying out to handle the challenge. There is no purpose in developing a strategy that will not play a key part in the overall solution. A legal strategy must be a decisive element of the solution that brings stability back to the organisation. Constant communication within the leadership is a must. Trust within the leadership also proves to be a critical element. Everyone must be assured that each person is playing their role in the process.

Finally, the choice of external counsel is crucial. A company needs solid and experienced advice as well as out-of-the-box thinkers. Instability or challenging episodes usually bring exceptional situations organisation that require legal analysis which might be developed for the first time. External advisors must also be willing to be part of an all-around legal team with the in-house team. External advisors who intend to control the outcome of a legal strategy without the knowledge of the organisation will not provide the required advice.

How do you prioritise diversity and inclusion within your legal department, and what initiatives have you implemented to foster a more inclusive and equitable work environment?

Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) is a key element of the working environment and philosophy at TATA Consultancy Services. As a company, we take great pride in how D&I has been rolled out. I believe that the success of our approach to diversity and inclusion lies in treating these questions not as compliance obligations, but as core values we genuinely believe in. We have approached this by highlighting stories within the company and actively participating in initiatives with other organisations in the communities we are part of. We have also been pioneers in creating work environments that offer new opportunities for talents. A great example of this is our TATA Consultancy Services Riyadh All-Women Digital Services Center.

As a result, the growth of my legal team has benefited from hiring the best talent available, regardless of gender, social background, or sexual orientation.

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