Rocío Amarilla-Páez – GC Powerlist
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Chile 2024

Materials and mining

Rocío Amarilla-Páez

General counsel, sustainability and corporate affairs | Sierra Gorda SCM


Chile 2024

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Rocío Amarilla-Páez

General counsel, sustainability and corporate affairs | Sierra Gorda SCM

Team size: 20 people

What measures has your company taken to embed sustainability practices into its core business operations, and how does the role of the general counsel contribute to driving and ensuring sustainable practices within the company?  

In-house lawyers occupy a unique role, situated within the senior management team and reporting directly to the board. We have access to both daily management and strategic information, which we interpret through the lens of law and regulation.

As General Counsel, I act as the trusted advisor to the General Manager on legal matters and strategic issues that may impact the corporation’s image and reputation. My role involves reviewing strategies from multiple legal perspectives and ensuring that all necessary permits and government approvals are included in our plans. We must navigate this role carefully, striving not to be seen as barriers but as trusted advisors who ensure that plans are executed in a manner that promotes long-term sustainability for the organization.

Sierra Gorda SCM integrates sustainability into its core operations. We maintain a strong relationship with the local community, where we are the primary employer. I oversee a notable program that provides training and employment opportunities for local residents who previously lacked mining experience, guiding them through formal education and practical training.

We also use 100% seawater, sourced from a coal plant’s cooling process, which is pumped 180 kilometers to our minesite. This approach avoids using freshwater and ensures we do not compete with the local community for this resource. Additionally, since January 1, 2023, all energy used on site comes from renewable sources, such as wind and solar power.

Sierra Gorda SCM is also unique in its use of High-Pressure Grinding Rolls (HPGR) instead of traditional ball or SAG mills, which consume more energy. We achieved record safety numbers in 2022, with one of the lowest total recordable injury frequencies, recognized by a Health & Safety award in Chile. Internal satisfaction rates are high, with 75% of workers expressing satisfaction or high satisfaction, and we have successfully completed three collective bargaining processes in 2023 without strikes.

These initiatives are just a few examples of the ongoing efforts to maintain and enhance our sustainability practices.

Rocío Amarilla-Páez - Chile 2023

General counsel, sustainability and corporate affairs | Sierra Gorda SCM

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