Roxana Segura – GC Powerlist
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Chile 2024

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Roxana Segura

Legal director | Adidas Chile


Chile 2024

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Roxana Segura

Legal director | Adidas Chile

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience?

To answer this question, I think it is important to have in mind that nowadays crises and instability are a part of life. It is not necessarily a bad thing but a new scenario that we must face and welcome as crises can also bring opportunities and innovation.

When dealing with legal aspects within a company, first we must go back to the company’s business strategy as that strategy should be the compass for all areas, including legal. Once you have a clear strategy it is easier to navigate turbulent times because no matter the circumstances you know what the endgame is.

From where I stand, legal departments are not only the guardians of the company but true business partners. Of course, protecting the company and avoiding legal issues is a big part of our role but for sure, it is not the only one. Being business partners means that as lawyers we should be open minded and creative to find the best alternatives and solutions for the company. We want the company to thrive and for that to happen, the legal department must do its best.

At the same time, when crises arise the legal department must be vigilant in the sense that even though the problem could be new, the legal department should be prepared to face and handle those difficulties. Also, when the occasion demands it, legal teams should be willing to go the extra mile and know that many times we wear more than one hat, and we must do our best in all those roles.

The pandemic was a good example of how to navigate through difficult times. It showed how our legal team rose to the occasion and delivered what the business was expecting. We needed to be extra resourceful, creative and think outside the box to accompany the business through those difficult times. It was not easy because it demanded a lot of hard work and dealing with a lot of pressure daily but in the end, it showed us that we were up to the task.

In difficult times we must remember that we are team, and we need to face adversity together to get to the other side. Sometimes, this will force us out of our comfort zone but at the same time will helps us grow as individuals and professionals.

Roxana Segura - Chile 2023

Senior manager legal and compliance | Adidas Chile

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