Solange González – GC Powerlist
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Chile 2024

Materials and mining

Solange González

General counsel and corporate secretary | Marimaca


Chile 2024

Recommended Individual

Solange González

General counsel and corporate secretary | Marimaca

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience?

The primary goal of the legal strategy during periods of instability or crises is to protect the company’s value and support the business strategy. The legal strategy cannot be pursued independently from the business strategy. To cover all relevant aspects, the general counsel must identify the company’s priorities at the time and work closely with key areas of the company. At the executive committee level, the general counsel must provide strategic legal advice with a business-oriented approach, always focusing on protecting the company’s value and prioritising risks.

Collaborative work at the executive level is essential to develop a shared view of the contingencies and agree on comprehensive mitigation measures. Legal considerations must serve both as benchmarks and as a framework for the company’s actions and decisions before a crisis.

The company’s communication strategy is also crucial. Effective communication with all stakeholders is essential. Employees must be kept informed of the challenges the company faces and the measures and controls being implemented. This allows them to manage their expectations and provides them with a coherent message to share externally. The same applies to the company’s investors, suppliers, customers, and the community. The company must be able to communicate effectively that the situation is under control and that all available resources are being utilised to manage the crisis.

What measures has your company taken to embed sustainability practices into its core business operations, and how does the role of the general counsel contribute to driving and ensuring sustainable practices within the company?

As a mining company, sustainability is key to our business. To effectively embrace sustainability, the tone must be set at the top.

We work with leading local and international advisors to ensure compliance with environmental laws, regulations, and standards. We adjust our policies accordingly and continually follow international trends and best practices in sustainability initiatives. Our company is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange, which means we have sophisticated shareholders who encourage us to develop sustainable strategies and hold us accountable to all relevant stakeholders.

We have a sustainability committee that oversees best practices and ensures compliance with applicable laws and regulations. As a project under development, our current focus is on early engagement with local communities and governmental authorities. We are fully committed to employing a local workforce and working with local suppliers, respecting all cultures, and promoting diversity and inclusion. As a mining company, we understand the value of trust and support from our local stakeholders, and our efforts are focused on creating value for the entire community.

The general counsel must contribute to creating cultural awareness of the importance of sustainability. Since sustainability is generally embraced as part of the need to comply with legal requirements, the general counsel plays an important role in encouraging other members of management and the board to understand that sustainability has intrinsic value for both the company and all stakeholders.

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