Valentina Gómez – GC Powerlist
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Chile 2024

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Valentina Gómez

General counsel | Porsche Chile


Chile 2024

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Valentina Gómez

General counsel | Porsche Chile

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience?

As general counsel of Porsche Chile, my team and I approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises with a proactive mindset, viewing challenges as opportunities to demonstrate our capabilities. During these times, our role becomes pivotal in devising swift solutions, exploring new commercial avenues, and evaluating major company decisions. We integrate proactive risk management with a deep alignment to our business strategy and commercial goals, particularly within the complex automotive industry. This involves ensuring compliance with stringent safety standards, navigating product liability issues, and upholding eco-friendly practices while vigilantly adhering to Chile’s evolving local laws.

We stay ahead of changes in import and export regulations, labour and consumer laws, and environmental mandates, swiftly adapting our strategies to maintain compliance and resilience. Beyond legal compliance, our focus is on safeguarding our team, customers, and the broader community, ensuring responsible corporate citizenship even in challenging circumstances. By integrating legal strategies seamlessly with our business objectives, we contribute to Porsche Chile’s resilience as a leader in the automotive sector.

What measures has your company taken to embed sustainability practices into its core business operations, and how does the role of the general counsel contribute to driving and ensuring sustainable practices within the company?

In response to recent regulatory changes in Chile, such as the Energy Efficiency Law, extended producer’s liability (REP) and new emissions standards, the automotive industry, including Porsche Chile, has significantly intensified its commitment to sustainability. We have embedded stringent sustainability standards across our logistics and distribution networks, emphasising emissions reduction and promoting renewable energy sources and eco-friendly materials. This includes actively promoting the sale of electric and low-emission vehicles to align with both local regulations and international sustainability guidelines set by our group.

In my role, I ensure that sustainability requirements from our group guidelines are integral to all contracts with suppliers and partners, alongside our non-negotiable adherence to local environmental standards. As a legal team we provide strategic guidance on regulatory compliance, ensuring our practices meet the latest environmental laws and industry best practices. This proactive approach not only ensures legal compliance but also reinforces our position as a leader in sustainable automotive imports in Chile.

Moving forward, we are committed to enhancing our sustainability metrics and exploring innovative solutions to further reduce our environmental footprint. By integrating these practices deeply into our business strategy, we strive to exceed sustainability expectations in the automotive sector, demonstrating our commitment to global environmental stewardship

What emerging technologies do you see as having the most significant impact on the legal profession in the near future, and how do you stay updated on these developments?

In today’s legal landscape, AI, machine learning, and blockchain are poised to revolutionise legal research, contract analysis, and transaction security. Legal tech platforms automate case management and document processes, enhancing efficiency and reducing errors. It is crucial to stay informed about these developments and their evolving applications to work more efficiently. I view these tools as valuable aids rather than threats. Personally, I stay updated by attending industry conferences, networking, and collaborating with our IT team to integrate these technologies. These advancements hold the promise of boosting efficiency, minimising risks, and transforming how legal services are delivered.

Valentina Gómez - Chile 2023

General counsel | Porsche Chile

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Valentina Gómez

General counsel

Porsche Chile

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