Coca-Cola Andina – GC Powerlist
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Chile Teams 2018

Food, beverages and tobacco

Coca-Cola Andina

| Coca-Cola Andina


Chile Teams 2018

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Coca-Cola Andina


Coca-Cola Andina is the franchise operation of Coca-Cola in Chile, Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil. Demonstrating its size, in Chile the company has recorded a total sales volume for unit boxes of 231 million. The Coca-Cola Andina legal team in Chile is led by the experienced legal manager Javier Andres Urrutia Pinto, who has been with the organization since 2006. The team Urrutia leads provides legal advice on corporate, regulatory, competition and administrative matters to the commercial, industrial, logistics, HR, and administration and finance departments, among others, of Coca-Cola Andina’s operation in Chile. The team is recognised for demonstrating world class organisation skill and professionalism by operating with colleagues across four jurisdictions, whilst also advising its internal clients on significant projects and transactions in Chile.

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