Jorge Díaz Gómez – GC Powerlist
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Colombia 2016

Jorge Díaz Gómez

Legal Manager | Azteca Comunicaciones


Colombia 2016

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Jorge Díaz Gómez

Legal Manager | Azteca Comunicaciones


Jorge Díaz Gómez is responsible for the legal and regulatory activities and decisions of Azteca Comunicaciones in Colombia. Having been named legal manager two years ago, Díaz Gómez reshuffled his legal team, forming clearly established legal functions for each area, with responsibility for contracting, regulation and insurance. In particular, Díaz Gómez has impressed with the successful development of contractual activities related to the stages of installation and operation of infrastructure projects developed for the government, and the successful defence of the interests of the company related to the buildout of such projects processes. In addition, Díaz Gómez’s work on forging a relationship with the government in the defence of company interests has been fundamental to the strategic growth of the company. Díaz Gómez and his team have adapted the legal structure and functions through each of the growth stages of Azteca, which was created in late 2011. In just a few years the company has been able to successfully develop major projects of infrastructure deployment and start the operation and provision of telecommunications services. Between 2008 and 2012 he was employed as a lawyer in the telecommunications department of Telefónica Móviles Colombia. Among several notable achievements in this role, Díaz Gómez distinguished himself with legal advice in a spectrum auction process, in which Telefónica Móviles turned an assignee of spectrum and legal support in the process of implementation of mobile number portability.

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