Juan Camilo Medina Moreno – GC Powerlist
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Colombia 2018

Information technology

Juan Camilo Medina Moreno

Legal coordinator and compliance officer | Vision Software


Colombia 2018


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Juan Camilo Medina Moreno

Legal coordinator and compliance officer | Vision Software


Juan Camilo Medina Moreno joined Vision Software in April 2015 after working at J. Echeverri and Asociados covering IP, commercial law and other civil law topics. Medina worked at Vision Software as a legal counsel developing his talent and experience as an in-house lawyer in the technology sector through the guidance of his mentors within the firm, developing the breadth of his legal experience and problem solving techniques. He has applied this experience to his current role and combined his passion for technology with his legal experience and interest in the development of the sector in Latin America. For example, Medina is working on research towards the applicability of blockchain, smart contracts, and cloud computing to the Colombian technology market. His strengths are his ability to speak and write using non-legal language to communicate legal aspects of the company’s commercial work to his non-legal colleagues, and include technical knowledge in his legal advice. Medina identifies that ‘character development, empathy and humility are necessary lessons every in-house lawyer must face [in light of] the toughest legal challenges that arise daily’. Since his promotion, Medina has implemented a technological innovation into the firm’s risk management systems, created an entirely new compliance culture by implementing anti-corruption and money laundering regulations, which had never been applied previously such as the FCPA UK Bribery Act. He was also key in the creation of the information security policy, operational risk and continuity in the provision of the business. During his time as legal coordinator and compliance officer Medina has led on two major contract successes for the firm. One was in 2017 after 8 months of negotiations with Grupo Aval, Colombia’s most influential bank. Medina completed a licencing deal for the bank’s Microsoft Office software and a contract for Vision Software’s IT services for the next five years. The deal generated US$64mn and was the largest deal involving Microsoft in Colombia. The second deal was concerning a cloud computing IT management system to Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU and Uria (PPU) to enable better customer service and internal operations, and involved Moreno negotiating the contract with the top law firm in Colombia. Medina identifies that these deals, along with the cultural changes he has implemented at the firm, particularly concerning the appreciation of the law as a facilitator, not a hindrance, of business as his among his greatest achievements.

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