Carola Rojas Wulkop – GC Powerlist
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Colombia 2023

Energy and utilities

Carola Rojas Wulkop

Head of arbitration group | Refinería de Cartagena


Colombia 2023

Recommended Individual

Carola Rojas Wulkop

Head of arbitration group | Refinería de Cartagena

Team size: Six

Could you share an example of a time when you came up with an innovation that improved how your legal team works and did not come at a large expense?

Over the past year we have introduced legal design techniques into our day-to-day work to improve legal services across the company. By combining law, design, and technology, we produced some extraordinary ideas that are having a significant impact on the business without requiring large costs.

Can you foresee any key developments to the way general counsel work over the next five years?

Over the next five years, enabling law, design and technology will propel and highlight the lawyers of the future throughout the legal market.

What steps do you take to ensure the successful integration and adoption of new technologies among your team members?

The adoption of new technologies is a big challenge for lawyers, but as a legal team we need to change our mindset and embrace new technologies, train ourselves in other skills outside the law, improve our soft skills to be more empathetic to the organisation and clients, and finally start with quick win projects that improve profits and reduce time.

What is a cause, business-related or otherwise, you are passionate about, and why?

I am passionate about innovation, we are currently working as a legal team on several projects applying legal design techniques, using technology, such as CLM tools, and AI for business, that will increase efficiencies in time and money for all our stakeholders.

Carola Rojas Wulkop - Colombia 2024

Head of arbitration group | Refinería de Cartagena

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