Jorge Alberto Diaz Gomez – GC Powerlist
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Colombia 2023

Sports and media

Jorge Alberto Diaz Gomez

General secretary and legal director | Caracol Primera Cadena Radial Colombiana


Colombia 2023

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Jorge Alberto Diaz Gomez

General secretary and legal director | Caracol Primera Cadena Radial Colombiana

Could you share an example of a time when you came up with an innovation that improved how your legal team works and did not come at a large expense?

The Covid-19 pandemic generated multiple changes in our lives both personally and professionally. In our case, the management of the pandemic generated confidence in the teleworking model for the entire legal team, which has been maintained and strengthened to date. This modality of work, developed with total responsibility and commitment of the members of the legal area, in addition to guaranteeing timely attention to internal and external clients, has generated multiple benefits for the company and for the employees, from an economic perspective, with operational savings, as well as a better work-life balance.

Can you foresee any key developments to the way general counsel work over the next five years?

Lawyers are challenged to be all-round professionals with a global vision and knowledge that allows us to make the most of all the available technological tools.

What measures has your company taken to embed sustainability practices into its core business operations, and how does the role of the general counsel contribute to driving and ensuring sustainable practices within the company?

Sustainability, rather than a matter of fashion or appearance, should be understood and applied as a principle of action in all company activities. Advisors should promote knowledge of sustainability in different areas of companies and raise awareness of its importance and effects.

What is a cause, business-related or otherwise, you are passionate about, and why?

Working in the legal department of a media company generates multiple challenges, but we are especially committed to defending the right to freedom of information as a fundamental pillar of democracy.

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General secretary and legal director | Caracol Primera Cadena Radial Colombiana

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Jorge Alberto Diaz Gomez - Colombia 2022

General secretary and legal director | Caracol Primera Cadena Radial Colombiana

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Jorge Alberto Diaz Gomez - Colombia 2018

Legal director | Caracol Radio

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